Reminder: Mt. Healthy's Senior Financial Aid Night is tonight, 10/4 from 6PM to 7PM. Miami University will be giving an overview of the financial aid process, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), how to fill out the FAFSA, financial literacy, grant and loan information and more, you can register ahead of time here. Please feel free to email Kaitlin Lott, the Mt. Healthy GEAR UP Site Director with any questions at
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Students and Families! SPIRIT WEEK continues on Tuesday 10/4. Originally, it was "Inside Out Day" but we have a special visitor coming to the high school. We are asking all staff and students to wear ORANGE AND BLACK and/or BENGALS gear. Remember--- Any items worn for spirit week must follow our dress code! Follow our Student Government Association Instagram page (mthcssga) for more information on daily events leading up to our parade on October 6th, the football game vs. Northwest on October 7th, and the dance on October 8th. Go Owls!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Students and Families! Monday, October 3rd starts HOMECOMING WEEK at Mt. Healthy!!! We begin spirit week with JERSEY DAY. Please remember--- Any items worn for spirit week must follow our dress code. Follow our Student Government Association Instagram page (mthcssga) for more information on daily events leading up to our parade on October 6th, the football game vs. Northwest on October 7th, and the dance on October 8th. We are looking forward to a fun week!!!!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello! Tonight, Wednesday, September 28th, we will continue our SENIOR MEETINGS. Each senior with their parent or guardian is required to meet about their credits and graduation status. Parents should have gotten a letter in the mail that listed the date, time, and location of their meeting. Please reach out to the staff member listed in your letter if you need to reschedule or set up another date/time for your meeting. We look forward to meeting with each student and celebrating the class of 2023!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello! Tonight, Wednesday, September 21st, we begin our SENIOR MEETINGS. Each senior with their parent or guardian is required to meet about their credits and graduation status. Parents should have gotten a letter in the mail that listed the date, time, and location of their meeting. Meetings will also be held on Wednesday, September 28th. Please reach out to the staff member listed in your letter if you need to reschedule or set up another date/time for your meeting. We look forward to meeting with each student and celebrating the class of 2023!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Families! Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 13th is Picture Day! All students will take a picture to update school records and for our yearbook. Students will still be expected to follow our dress code. Full length shirts are required and rips/tears in pants must be below mid-thigh. Students cannot wear anything with a hood (hoodies, jackets, etc) during the school day. These items must remain in their locker. Hats and other items worn on the head are not permitted. Please contact the school if you have any questions!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School families!! We appreciate your help in making sure our students are following our dress code. Hoodies or any tops/jackets with a hood must be kept in their lockers during the school day. Slides and items worn on the head are not permitted. Tears or holes in jeans must be below mid-thigh. Shorts must be long enough to reach mid-thigh. Students violating the dress code and/or refusing to follow the expectation will receive consequences within the building. Please contact your child's administrator if you have any questions. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
High School Families, Today was a great first day and we were happy to see all the students again!!! Just a reminder that students no longer have a uniform but must follow our dress code. Students must wear full length tops and cannot wear any item with a hood during the school day. Also, no open toed shoes, sandals, or slides, and students cannot wear any items on their head such as hats, etc. High School and Junior High start at different times this year. High School students can enter the building at 7:15 and should be in their homeroom by 7:25 for daily attendance to be taken. Students will be dismissed from school at 2:07. We are looking forward to a great year!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
The Mt. Healthy community is invited to the AED Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Mt. Healthy Stadium on 8/19 at 6:30pm. Please join us in celebration of this wonderful step forward for the safety of our coaches, athletes, students, and community.
over 2 years ago, Mt. Healthy Public Relations
AED Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Flyer
Join all of our schools for the Back to School Bash on Friday, August 12th from 3:00-7:00p.m. Register by click on the link in the News feed on all of our schools' websites.
over 2 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
Back to School Bash
Back to school spanish
Hello High School Families! The time for Open House for students in grades 10-12 will be moved to 7:30 PM -9:00 PM on August 15th to avoid a conflict with open house at our elementaries. We’re hopeful that this adjustment in time will make for a better experience for everyone who will be visiting one of our wonderful schools that evening. Open House for our 9th Grade students will still take place on August 9th from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. Thank you in advance for your understanding! We look forward to seeing returning students and new families as we start the new school year. Respectfully, Principal Arnez Gray
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School families! The electric is out in our building, so there will be no summer school today, Tuesday, June 14th. We will see everyone on Wednesday! Have a great day!
almost 3 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello all! As we are coming to the end of the school year, we wanted to remind everyone that students are still expected to come to school wearing their school uniform. Black, red, or white tops with solid black or khaki bottoms. No slides or jeans allowed! We are looking forward to our final week of instruction before exams! Have a wonderful week!
almost 3 years ago, Amy Criswell
We are looking forward to celebrating our graduating seniors on May 22, 2022. Please note-- The University of Cincinnati implemented a new Clear Bag Policy that will be in effect during our graduation at Fifth Third Arena. Please check your email or visit the High School website later today for details on the policy so that you are ready to celebrate your child's achievement and please contact Mt. Healthy High School administration if there are questions.
almost 3 years ago, Michael Burdett
Clear Bag Policy - UC
Mt. Healthy families: Wednesday, March 2, the Juniors will be taking the ACT test at the high school. This will be a remote day for ninth, tenth, and twelfth graders ONLY. The rest of the district will operate as normal. Juniors should report to school as normal and on time for this test. They will be released from the building by 12:30. They will need to find their own transportation home. Juniors will also need to bring a photo I.D. and their fully charged chromebook to school that day. They will also be provided breakfast upon arrival and lunch prior to leaving.
about 3 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
Mt. Healthy School Pantry, sponsored by the FreeStore Foodbank, presents Our Dinner At Home - February In addition to our standard food distribution, you will receive all the ingredients to make this chicken casserole including the chicken. The distribution will be on February 28th from 2:30p-4p at the Jr/Sr HS Warehouse. The first 120 families to sign up will receive food. Please sign up at the link below:
about 3 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
dinner at home graphic with meal box distribution
Directions to schedule conferences which are this Thursday, February 17 from 12:30 - 7:30 PM
about 3 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
Directions to schedule conferences
Mt. Healthy City School District will be closed for inclement weather on Friday, February 4, 2022. The decision on the Varsity Boys Basketball game will be made by 1pm on Friday. Stay tuned for details.
about 3 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
MTHCSD closed 2-4 for inclement weather
Mt. Healthy City School District will be closed for inclement weather on Thursday, February 3, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
MTHCSD closed 2-3 for inclement weather
Mt. Healthy City School District will be closed on Thursday, January 3 for inclement weather.
about 3 years ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
MTHCSD closed 2-3 for inclement weather