Hello HS Families! Mark your calendars for our Family Nights! Come learn about what is required for graduation, programs we offer, and what you can do to help your child stay on track! Senior Family Night- Wednesday, August 30th from 6:00pm-7:30pm 9th/10th/11th Grade Family Night- Tuesday, September 5th from 6:00pm-7:30pm We hope to see you there! :)
over 1 year ago, Amy Criswell
There are still 2 more Dress Code Open Forums that we hope you will join us at to discuss your thoughts on the policy implemented last year. Your opinions are valuable in shaping our school community. An email has been sent with more details or click on this link for more details: https://bit.ly/MTHdresscodeforum The next is a virtual meeting, tomorrow, June 27th at 7:30PM LINK: https://meet.google.com/ssq-xezf-cbv?hs=122&authuser=0 Then the last one is June 29th in person at 6:30PM at the HS Auditorium. Let's talk about: What worked well? What can be improved? Your suggestions for the dress code. Ensuring inclusivity and a positive learning environment. Your feedback is vital in creating policies that reflect our community. Let's create a supportive learning environment together. - Mt. Healthy CSD
over 1 year ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
dress code forum
There are still 2 more Dress Code Open Forums that we hope you will join us at to discuss your thoughts on the policy implemented last year. Your opinions are valuable in shaping our school community. An email has been sent with more details or click on this link for more details: bit.ly/MTHdresscodeforum The next is a virtual meeting, tomorrow, June 27th at 7:30PM LINK: https://meet.google.com/ssq-xezf-cbv?hs=122&authuser=0 Then the last one is June 29th in person at 6:30PM at the HS Auditorium. Let's talk about: What worked well? What can be improved? Your suggestions for the dress code. Ensuring inclusivity and a positive learning environment. Your feedback is vital in creating policies that reflect our community. Let's create a supportive learning environment together. - Mt. Healthy CSD
over 1 year ago, Mt. Healthy CSD
Dress Code Forum
Mt. Healthy High School, Junior High, and Early Learning Center would like to invite all our families to our Spring Arts, Education and Wellness Fair on Saturday, April 22nd from 12:00pm-3:00pm. Attend band and choir performances in our auditorium, view student artwork displays in the cafeteria, shop with a few local vendors, and collect wellness information. View the flyer for more details! We hope to see you there! :)
almost 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Spring Ed Fair Flyer
Reminder: Mt. Healthy High School counselors will be hosting a "Scheduling Night" on Thursday, February 2nd at 6:30 in the Auditorium. All upcoming 9th-12th graders are welcome to attend to gather information about courses offered and elective options! Help your child make an informed decision as they select their courses for next year and ensure they are meeting graduation requirements! Hope to see you there! :)
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Families! Mt. Healthy City Schools will be on a 2 hour delay today, Tuesday, January 31st with no AM preschool.
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Mt. Healthy High School counselors will be hosting a "Scheduling Night" on Thursday, February 2nd at 6:30 in the Auditorium. All upcoming 9th-12th graders are welcome to attend to gather information about courses offered and elective options! Help your child make an informed decision as they select their courses for next year and ensure they are meeting graduation requirements! Hope to see you there! :)
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Families! Mt. Healthy City Schools will be closed on Wednesday, January 25th due to anticipated inclement weather. All after school activities and events on Wednesday will also be cancelled. Have a great day and stay safe!
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Families! Mt. Healthy City Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, Monday, January 23rd. Staff and student safety is our top priority and with predicted weather conditions, we feel it is best to take this time to clear walkways and parking lots. We will see everyone on Tuesday!
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Families! Mt. Healthy City Schools will be CLOSED tomorrow, Monday, January 23rd. Staff and student safety is our top priority and with predicted weather conditions, we feel it is best to take this time to clear walkways and parking lots. We will see everyone on Tuesday!
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Families!! Our semester exams begin this week and will take us into winter break. Just a reminder: Tuesday, December 20th and Wednesday, December 21st are shortened days, with dismissal at 12:20. We return to school on Wednesday, January 4th. From all of us at Mt. Healthy--- Have a fun, relaxing break, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! :)
about 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
CLASS OF 2023! Graduation is not far away, have you checked your graduation status?
over 2 years ago, Mt. Healthy Public Relations
22FS Graduation Flyer
Hello High School Families! This is our final week of 1st Semester before exams! We have changed our bell schedule to allow more time for checking on grades/assignments, providing enrichment opportunities, and exam review. Also, Monday begins our "Holiday Spirit Week". Tomorrow, wear holiday colors to represent the holiday you and your family celebrate. Make this week count to end the semester strong! #GoOwls
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello Mt. Healthy High School Families! This is a reminder that the board recently approved the following changes and dress code: Hoodies may be worn throughout the day but the hood must not be on their head. Shorts are no longer permitted at school with the exception of wearing them in class for gym or a special event like field day. Again, students are permitted to wear hoodies during the school day, but the hood must be down at all times. Thanks for allowing us to serve your family!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello High School Parents and Guardians! Just a reminder, there is no school on Thursday, October 13th and Friday, October 14th. Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 13th from 12:30-7:30. Click the link (bit.ly/MtHFall22Conf) to find your child's teachers to schedule a conference. Friday, October 14th is PD/Record's Day for the end of 1st quarter. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress! Have a great weekend! : )
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello all Parents & Guardians! Conferences will be held this Thursday, October 13th from 12:30-7:30. Click the link (bit.ly/MtHFall22Conf) and choose the teachers you would like to meet with. You will pick a time they have available. Call the school at (513) 729-0130 if you have any questions or problems signing up!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello all! We are almost ready to start the dance! Just a reminder---We have a list of students who purchased a ticket for tonight's dance. If you misplaced or lost your paper ticket, you are still registered and will be able to attend! Don't forget---Doors close at 8! No students will be permitted to enter after 8 and there is no re-entry if you decide to leave early! The dance ends at 10 so have your ride ready then! See you soon! :)
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Today is the day! Our Homecoming Dance is here! Doors will open at 6:30pm. All students must arrive by 8. No tickets are being sold at the door and no re-entry. Students will enter at the event entrance to check-in. All purses are subject to search. The dance ends promptly at 10:00pm. All students should be off campus by 10:15. We are looking forward to a fun night! See you soon!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello all! Thursday, 10/6 is TWIN DAY as we continue with Spirit Week for Homecoming! Find a twin to match with as we finish out the week! Friday, 10/7 is our final day of Spirit Week with a "Class Battle!" 9th grade is wearing BLACK, 10th grade is wearing RED, 11th grade wears WHITE, and SENIORS can wear all three colors to show your school spirit! Let's see which class wins!!! Go Owls!!! :)
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell
Hello all! Wednesday, 10/5 we continue SPIRIT WEEK with GRAPHIC T-SHIRT Day! It is also the final day to purchase a ticket to the Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 8th. Tickets are $10 and will be sold during all three lunches! Tickets to the football game vs. Northwest will be sold on Friday, October 7th for $5 during lunch. Come join us for all the fun! Go Owls!
over 2 years ago, Amy Criswell