Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at Mt. Healthy Schools

In the spirit of embracing diversity and honoring Hispanic Heritage Month, we had a heartwarming visit from two remarkable individuals, Señora Nolasco and Señora Zeledon, the mothers of our ELC students.

They graced the classrooms of Miss Roberts and Miss Hays to immerse us in the beauty and traditions of their home countries. Señora Nolasco took us on a cultural journey to Guatemala, while Señora Zeledon shared the rich heritage of Nicaragua.

Our visitors captivated students with photos, and they joined Ms. Reverendo for a bilingual read-aloud session.

The real magic happened when they introduced students to the vibrant rhythms of their heritage through lively dances and children's songs.

To top it all off, the students were treated to authentic delicacies:
Cajetas from Nicaragua, a sweet concoction of coconut and milk, boasting an enticing crunchiness and a spectrum of colorful flavors.
Picnic Vanilla from Guatemala, reminiscent of the Vanilla Wafers.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our gracious guests for sharing their roots, culture, and delicious traditions with our students.