ELC Paraprofessionals

Yesterday was Paraprofessional Day and, we want to express our deep appreciation for our paraprofessional's hard work, dedication, and the positive impact they have on our students' lives. Each paraprofessional plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of our students, and we are grateful for all that they do, not just on Paraprofessional Day but every single day.

There are many paraprofessionals in the school district that do a tremendous job and we wanted to give shoutout to the incredible paraprofessionals in the Mt. Healthy City School District who work tirelessly to support our students every day.

We would like to recognize the Early Learning Center's Terresa Dailey and Michelle Haake for their dedicated service of 24 and 22 years respectively. We are also proud of our four para educators at the ELC currently pursuing their Early Childhood Degree: Amy Holmes, Maggie Hoskins, Jen Gilbert, and Jen Means.

At the high school, we are grateful for paraprofessionals like Anna Schell, who has been with the district for many years and even dresses up as the Fighting Owl for events. We also appreciate Gail Doughetry's unwavering commitment to our students.

At the Junior High, we're lucky to have two Mt. Healthy alumni, Mr. Butler and Mr. Jett, who have made a positive impact on the lives of our students. Mr. Butler has worked and coached in our district for the past 12 years, while Mr. Jett is in his 5th year with us.

Thank you to all our paraprofessionals for the essential role you play in ensuring our students' success. Your hard work and dedication are greatly appreciated!